I would like to take this opportunity to thank service members, veterans and military family members for the often unfair sacrifices they have made and continue to make for our country and the people who live here. What bothers me most about those sacrifices is that I feel they are often overlooked. In this country so many people take our freedoms for granted, not realizing (or not caring) about the fact that others are losing their lives for them. And really, life itself is only one of the potential sacrifices. Marriages are difficult and parenting can be even more challenging with frequent separations; and, time apart is part of most military lives.

Also, I really cannot figure why so many people look down on military service members. Is it that they know that the military does not pay well? Or maybe they think that service personnel are uneducated and ignorant. I don't know. Whatever the reason, it's a shame.
There is another thankless job besides being a mother: being a military service member.
One question: When I make a comment on other blog posts, there is a word verification step. Are those words actually found in a dictionary? Apparently, I really need to expand my vocabulary.
I too have much admiration for the men and women serving in the military. They do sacrifice such a lot.
Regarding the security words on the comments page... good point - I never thought about it before. I don't think so. I think they pick odd sounding words deliberately so that you have to carefully type each letter...
(by the way I like the new look of your blog!)
I'm glad everyone is doing better and you had a nice time! I too thank all military people and their families!
Oh! and about the word verification -I agree with Lady Mama-I think they pick odd non-wrods to make it harder/more secure :)
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