Today is a good day. I hope. So far, so good. But, it is early still. I am sitting in my oh so sexy jammies at the dinner table while everyone eats breakfast and watches Playhouse Disney. I have some coffee...a splash of coffee added to a cup of Sugar Free Hazelnut non-dairy creamer.
I like these jammies. They are light blue, shorts with a shirt and the shirt says, Love Grows Here. Really, for me, saggy (post children) boobs and a big bum continue to grow here. I am sure my husband loves these jammies even more than I do. What can I say, he must like the grandma look. Thank God! He (God)...and well...he (Rick)...always look out for me.

Playhouse Disney is the morning lineup on the Disney Channel. By the way, I love Disney and the Disney Channel. As part of Playhouse Disney, the shows are really geared toward younger children. Handy Manny, The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins and Special Agent OSO are some of my children's favorites. We happily tune in each morning and catch some part of most of them in our daily morning routine. Well, each season, Disney seems to think that they need to change things. What the heck are they thinking? Don't they realize that children all over the world (OK- maybe just all over the country) are counting on their lineup to remain the same? These children's very well-being is hinging on watching their same favorite shows each morning- at the same times....in the same order.....no changes, unless approved by me, of course; so, I can gently break the news and get the children prepared for the catastrophic event ahead of time. I suppose approval from some other random mother somewhere is also acceptable, but she needs to call me to discuss it then. Either way, somebody needs to freakin' call me! I am waiting...
As of about a week ago, they have cancelled my children's favorite show, Little Einsteins. AAGGHHHH! Even with the new show, Special Agent OSO in it's place, this is quite difficult.
Hey, Disney Channel: I am waiiittttiiinnnngggggg!
My kids love the Disney Channel too, but they don't care what's on. Just as long as it's on. Though, I do agree that Disney should call before they change the lineup, because the other child in my house aka husband isn't use to change.
Hugs and Mocha,
Hi Crystall,
My kids love Disney channel, too but then they also have Nick Jr.
Have fun!
PS - Ty mentioned you in her post :)
I just saw your note. Thank you!! We just got home from a little vacation so I will dive into this tomorrow. Looks like I get to nominate some of my favorite blogs. Fun! Thanks for thinking of me!
Ugh!-I know I hate when channels change things up. Which it seems they do every so often.
P.S. -Hope you having fun on vacation! I finally blogged all about ours.
When you get back I have a One Lovely Blog Award waiting for you come to my blog and Check it out!
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