I have a feeling that most bloggers are saying something like, "I hope everyone had a great holiday" or " Hope people had a good weekend", etc. So, I will jump on that bandwagon. I hope everyone had a great weekend and a good holiday. I have no issues being a follower. :) Happy Birthday America!

Our family had a nice weekend. Friday was pretty low-key. There was not much action around the house. I went to the commissary to stack up on some much needed groceries with Lyla, and Rick took the boys to the park and the baseball field. They had a really great time. Rick rarely gets the opportunity to take the boys places for a "boys day"; so, it was very special for all of them. They came home chugging big bottles of lemonade and talking non-stop about their fun day out.
As for me, I was having as much fun as possible grocery shopping a day after payday. Lyla was attracting attention quacking up and down the aisles. She has really gotten the hang of making all sorts of sounds and has begun saying a few simple words. Momma, Dadda, Baba (I think that's her version of "brother"). The other evening we watched part of a Wiggles video. They sing a bunch of child-friendly songs-one of which has a lot of quacking. Well, it was a real hit with Lyla. "Quack quack quack", kind of cute- for the first two hours, then not-so-much.

Saturday was a day full of adventure and excitement. The morning started with a couple hours of swimming at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Rick did a bit of yard work before the temperatures reached over 100 degrees while I swam with Grandma, Rick's sisters, the boys and Lyla.
Nick is getting very good at swimming. He is now swimming underwater without his water wings. Jacob wears water wings and for the first time swam around the pool on his own (not holding on to anything). Previously, he was too frightened to trust that his water wings would hold him up. He was so very proud of himself. By the end of the swim visit, Jacob was even jumping in the pool from the edge like his big brother. Wow! Lyla was splish-splashing around happy as a clam. She loves the water also. Too bad we live right smack in the middle of a desert!
After pool time, we all headed back home for naps. After naps, we returned to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a great dinner and small fireworks in the street. Surprisingly, Jacob stated that he was scared of the fireworks and wanted to cry. Rick promptly took him inside where he happily played with his plastic boats from the pool for the remainder of the evening. Nick and Lyla were my two brave children who didn't mind the loud screams of the fireworks. Strange...Jacob runs around all of the time squealing and screaming at an octave only dogs can hear and he is the one who is most nervous about the loud noise.

Anyway, we returned home late, the children crashed without any arguments or peeps from them. Wheew.
The fourth of July is so very fun and exciting. I wonder what it has in store for us next year.
1 comment:
Happy 4th! Late I know. But,glad you had a good one!
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