Nick has told me several times in the past year that he is going to marry Lyla. I have talked to him, explaining that people typically do not marry their sisters/brothers. He got a little upset with me and snapped, "I said I am going to marry Lyla--and that's the end of it!" Wonder where he got that line? Well, a few days later, Nick changed his mind.
"Mommy, I am not going to marry Lyla, I am going to marry you". I smiled, hugged him and told him that I would love to marry him, but that I was already married to Daddy.

"Well, I am gonna marry you too."
"No, Honey, Mommies don't marry their little boys. Maybe when you get older, you will find a nice girl to marry like Nyki or Quincey" (two neighbor girls of Grandma's that are Nick's age).
I could see the wheels turning in his head. Initially he was interested and agreed.
Then Nick said, "Well, fine. I guess I'll just marry Lyla then!"
Since then, Nick has stuck to his guns. He continues to go between me and Lyla. I guess no other girls compare...yet. :)
That is so cute! That just shows you how much your little boy loves you and his baby sister! Too cute!
Is there anything sweeter than that? Adorable.
Very sweet story..
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